Monday, March 30, 2009

The Sauna Part 293

I woke to the aroma of a fresh pot of coffee and a bed covered with warm, purring cats who were lazily sprawled alongside me in their usual spots. All appeared normal now. Last night’s homecoming had been quite a reunion and after a brief show of apathy and indifference, the spoiled little brats had relented and began to beg for attention. I’d held each one in turn, snuggling my face against their soft, fuzzy bodies before we engaged in a rousing session of “fetch” with their new toys. Needless to say, we were all quite exhausted, and after a brief phone call to Jon to tell him we’d both arrived safely, I fell into bed with a sigh. I was asleep within minutes, Eddie curled up against me, snugly content and buried under the covers.

Eva was still fast asleep as I made my way down to the kitchen where Alice was reading the paper and sipping her first cup of coffee. She grinned and made ready to get up, but I waived her to sit back down as I poured myself a cup of the heavenly brew. I certainly didn’t expect her to wait on me in my own house.

“Mmmnnn, Goddess that’s good” I purred, taking a sip. “I missed my Timmy’s” I smiled.

“Would you like some breakfast? I’ve got eggs and bacon and I just bought fresh bagels at the market yesterday” she offered enthusiastically.

“Alice, relax-it’s been ages since I’ve even cooked. How about if I make you some breakfast?” I suggested.

“Are you sure? It’s your first day home and I don’t mind cooking” she replied.

“No, really, let me make you some bacon and eggs. It’ll be good to get into a routine again” I replied as I opened the door of the frig and pulled out supplies. “Omelettes?”

“Sure, sounds good. There’s shredded cheese and I’ll chop the onions” she agreed and I nodded.

We chatted amiably as we worked together, preparing the food, and I made a bit extra in case Eva decided to join us. The kitchen was soon full of the aromas of breakfast and I felt a cold nose nudge my leg as Eddie mewed for his breakfast. Alice was on it and I smiled affectionately as I watched my boys chowing down, each taking turns as they surrounded the food bowls.

I heard footsteps accompanied by something unintelligible and I turned around to see Eva shuffling into the kitchen. I waived a chipper good morning and she glowered at me from beneath her long lashes and grunted.

“Morning” Eva muttered, moving in a zombie-like fashion towards the mug near the coffee.

“Breakfast?” I asked.

“After coffee. Otherwise I run the risk of stabbing myself with the fork” she growled.

“I know what you mean. This time change is rough-it’s the middle of the night still in New Zealand” I acknowledged.

“Where are the guys now? Are they in Japan yet?” Alice asked and I nodded.

“They flew out after we did, but Jon was there when I talked to him late last night. There’s a sixteen hour time difference, so it’s already tomorrow where they are” I explained.

“I could never get used to this shit. It makes my head hurt just thinking about it. That’s why I don’t usually go on the tours” Eva grumbled.

I slipped a few pieces of bacon to the cats and they eagerly snarfed it up as Alice shook her head.

“Momma’s home” she giggled.

“I’m still trying to win them back over” I winked.

Alice began brewing the second pot of coffee and Eva’s appetite had finally awakened as she nibbled on a piece of crisp bacon. I added the eggs to the pan and turned down the heat and sprinkled cheese, sauteed onions and sour cream over the top. Eva refilled our mugs and sat down to wait while the omelettes finished cooking.

“Trish, now that you’re home, I was planning to fly out later this afternoon. There’s a flight into NYC later today unless you need me to stay?” Alice asked anxiously.

“Alice, you’re certainly welcome to stay, but I know it’s hard being away for so long. I just want to thank you for taking such wonderful care of my boys-they couldn’t possibly have had a better nanny than you!” I beamed as I dished up the eggs.

“I didn’t mind at all, really! It was kind of like a vacation to tell you the truth, but I would like to get home if you don’t mind” she replied.

“Of course not! We’ll drive you to the airport this afternoon” I assured her.

“No, no-no need for that. I’ve already got a car arranged. You just stay here and relax and pamper the kids” she smiled, raising a forkful of eggs to her mouth. “Dayum! These are good” she grinned, ending the debate.

After breakfast Alice set about packing while Eva and I did the opposite. I was beginning to feel settled in a bit more when the car arrived to take Alice back home and I hugged her goodbye and stuffed a check in her pocket.

“What’s this?” she asked, retrieving the crumpled paper and unfolding it.

“It’s a ‘thank you’ for all that you’ve done, silly! And don’t say a word-I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer” I countered as she started to object.

“Really, Trish, it’s not necessary. I had a grand time and I’m happy to babysit whenever you need me” she argued, trying to hand me the check.

“No ma’am, you take it and treat yourself well. Resistance is futile” I grinned in my best imitation of a Borg and she shook her head.

“Thank you, my dear. Seriously, anytime you need me, okay?” she relented.

“Consider yourself on retainer” I laughed.

The limo beeped the horn yet again and I opened the door and waived to the driver. Joe, the same driver who’d picked up Eva and me late last night, waived back and hurried up the steps to take Alice’s bags. I hugged her again and thanked her for making it possible for me to join Jon on the tour.

“Thank you for watching out for Uncle Hughey. I’m glad you were there and I’m sure he was too” she smiled, squeezing my hand before scurrying off to hop in the limo. Eva and I watched as they drove away, Alice waiving one final time before the limo pulled out of the driveway.

“Close that door! It’s freezing out there!” Eva chided.

“So, girlfriend, what would you like to do tonight?” I asked as we settled down in front of the fireplace.

“Let’s order some food, rent some trashy movies and polish our nails or something equally girly” she giggled. “It’s been way too long since I’ve been to a slumber party” she cackled.

“Sounds like an excellent plan” I agreed.


Eva and I spent the evening munching on subs and painting our nails as we did our best to drain every bottle of Moet Chandon that I found in the cupboard. Between the cats and the champagne, I fully expected a trip to the beauty parlor would be next on the agenda, but we managed a passable pedicure and manicure by the end of the night. We watched ‘Dirty Dancing’ which I had on tape and we both cried at the most poignant moments. There are some things that only girls understand.

We were both pretty well on our way to a good drunk when Eva’s cell and my phone rang simultaneously. Our boys were checking in with their women and we made them miss us even more by the time we were done. Eva was fairly graphic as she shared her plans for Tico when he came home, but I was more subtle and teased Jon relentlessly with implied innuendos.

“I see a cold shower in my very near future” he lamented after a particularly lusty exchange.

“Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder” I replied sweetly with a bit of a slur.

“It ain’t my heart that’s growing out of my pants, babe” he explained.

“Ooohhh, and I haven’t had my dessert yet” I purred, increasing the discomfort he was already experiencing.

“Dammit, woman! I’ll never last out the week if you keep this up” he said in a voice hoarse with passion.

“It’s Lil’ Jon who I’m trying to keep up” I giggled.

“Lil’ Jon’s wide awake now, thanks. Just how much wine have you had?” he asked with curiosity.

“How many bottles have we got in that pile?” I shouted to Eva.

“Looks like three to me, but this one’s nearly gone. Have we got any more?” Eva yelled back.

“It looks like we’ll need to restock the champagne, love” I burped, followed by another giggle.

“Shit. Alright, as long as you aren’t out driving around …” Jon began.

“I may not even make it up the stairs” I laughed.

“Okay, baby, I’ll say goodnight. I love you and I miss you so much…” he said with regret.

“I miss you too…and Lil’ Jon” I whispered into the phone. “And I love you too, baby. Say ‘Hi’ to Teek and the guys for me, ’k?”

“Will do. ’Night, darlin’. Sleep tight and dream about me, will ya?” he said finally.

“You know it” I grinned as I hung up the phone.

“Should we call it a night?” I asked, turning to Eva but she’d already fallen asleep on the couch.

I covered her up with a throw and drained the last of the champagne in my glass. I looked around and surveyed the wreckage-awww, hell, it’ll be there tomorrow I thought to myself. I headed unsteadily toward the staircase with four cats in attendance, weaving my way towards the bedroom.


Anonymous said...

LOL. Picturing Eva and Trish in their champagne infused state. Every girl needs a day and night like that once in a while. Thanks for taking me along for the ride!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh God, drunk phone sex!! That's the best!


Bayaderra said...

Sounds like Trish and Eva are having grand time together! Everyone needs a drunking with a friend night once in a while! Loved how both of their men called at the same time LOL! And yeah, drunk phone sex ROFLMAO!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, having some bottles of champagne with a good girlfriend is always good for a funny night - they will have a fine hangover the next morning... and the phone sex - remember - they are having it on two different days at the same time - so funny...